One Room Challenge - Week 4
You know how I feel after this Week 4 of the ORC? I hope you all are as big of Clark Griswold fans as I am...
Yep. That look on his face is me constantly this week. When you've just come to that breaking point and are about to blow but you want to put a smile on your face and pretend it'll all be fine. At first I was near tears, then anger........oh the anger.........going along with our Christmas Vacation theme, I'm pretty sure I said to a sales associate at an online rug store exactly the quote below when they asked if I wanted to speak to a manager:
I'm not kidding, after the perfect rug was gone and the next 5 perfect rugs were either showing available and then back ordered, not within budget (we all have a budget, right!?!) or just plain not available in the size we needed, I was starting to lose hope. We really had settled on the idea of combining the beautiful lilac grasscloth with the black and white painting and curtains and then bringing in some pops of blue to pull in the blue lacquered dining room. These were some of our inspiration pics (I spy Hi Sugarplum's room from the last ORC in there!)
Where do you turn when you've lost rug hope? Queue the superhero theme, it's Madeline Weinrib to the rescue! While we still encountered some issues of our top choices being out of stock, Madeline truly can't make a bad rug and they are classics - even in some of the more crazy prints. So, we still may try one or two more from MW but here's a sneak peak...
So, while I still have that look on my face, a la Clark during his meltdown, all I need to do is look at the before and after and it definitely puts things in perspective.
So what's left? My amazing gals at D. Fadal have the curtains in production and the hardware should be in tomorrow (they work nothing short of miracles over there), we need to get the rug down and make a final decision, the lacquered console needs to be finished and all accessories need to be purchased. So what are we going to do? "We're gonna press on, and we're gonna have the hap, hap, happiest Christmas since Bing Crosby tap-danced with Danny f___ing Kaye!" Cheers to Week 4 and all the craziness! Thank you all for stopping by and please, go see all the other amazing rooms on the ORC at!
(Apologies for the ugly link above, it's not letting me link text) ;)