One Room Challenge - Week 3
HALFWAY THERE! Y'all...let me start by keeping it real. I'd love to jump on here at 11pm and say it's been all butterflies and rainbows and everything is working out perfectly with this beautiful room but as I just said...keeping it real. It was all going really well until we decided to go gingham (or buffalo check, whichever tickles your fancy). It's what spurred my other blog post on that awesome fabric that's made/is making such a huge comeback.
First, it took a while to even decide on black and white for sure. If you'll remember, the dining room which you can see from this study, is lacquered floor to ceiling (ceiling included) in a deep navy lacquer. We have a black and white rug in there - I love to mix and this client loves rooms that pop. So, it wasn't a far stretch to think maybe we do a fun color gingham in the curtains? Maybe even navy? We went back and forth and decided on black and white and then, BAM it was gone. Apparently everyone else is in on the trend because our perfect fabric was sold out from under our noses. NBD, right? It's black and white check, right? Just find another, right? W.R.O.N.G.
A day in the design district later, I came home with the only samples of anything even resembling gingham/buffalo check that were a)in stock, b)in budget, c)could ship fast as hell and d)that we actually loved since we were buying 40 yards of this stuff.
Then we narrowed it down...
I'll leave you in suspense as to which we picked until the very end because I'm PRAYING these curtains can be done by the end! My gals at my curtain workroom can work miracles though so I'm hopeful. ;) So, these puppies will be going on the most beautiful thick brass rod and will have these finials to tie in the amazing ones in the dining room we got from Lux Holdups. If you're not familiar with them, go visit their Esty shop and follow them on Insta. Amazing things!
Ok, so we have the stunning wallpaper up, the vintage wood and chrome desk, the vintage burl cabinet I promised a pic of so here it is. For your drooling pleasure...
I's one of those pieces I make my clients promise to write into their wills that should they go before me, it comes right back to my collection. ;) We've already styled it with beautiful pieces and special family treasures. I hope that this client loves it as much as I do! We tried the desk in a couple of different ways. At the moment, the client had the desk to the left when you walk in under the stunning Gypsy Soul Interiors original art.
This is a great layout, especially since there is no privacy to those outside doors/windows but now that she'll have fabulous curtains (buffalo check curtains) to pull across, I wanted to arrange the desk so that it faces you when you walk in the room. So dramatic. Oh, and you see those vintage ming chairs? They got a FABULOUS makeover by none other than my go to lady for all things vintage needing to be made fabulous again, Diana Evans at The Collected Eclectic Home. The below is a horrible after pic but The CEH made these chairs shine like mirrors and that Kelly Wearstler fabric we picked is a perfect "friend" to the art.
Please ignore all the checks on the windows. That was still in "decision phase". So what's next? We are having even more drama with rugs. Every one that I've liked has said it was in stock but come to find out it's not. At least, not in time to finish the room for the ORC. So...we scramble people. We scramble and find something even more amazing than the 10 before it! Stay tuned! New desk chair, a piece under the art, accessories, lamps...all in good time. Well, actually, all in 3 weeks. Please go check out all the other amazing transformations at the Calling It Home One Room Challenge page!